JHN Advance
Life in the Sixth Form is not just about passing exams. We place a strong emphasis on developing the ‘whole person’ through a range of different opportunities. Our JHN Advance programme aims to broaden our students’ outlook on life and develop their cultural capital, so they can set themselves apart from the competition when applying for universities, jobs and apprenticeships.
We have a large range of leadership opportunities which allow our students to be recognised as role models within the whole school community and enrich the lives of those around them. Leadership is an integral part of Sixth Form life and enables our students to have significant influence on the daily life of the school.
Leadership roles include:
Year 7 Mentor • Peer Assisted Learning • Member of Parliament • Wellbeing Ambassador • Creativity mentor • Voice mentor • EDI working party • SDVP group • Duke of Edinburgh leader • Spiritual life leader
Student Leadership Team
The Student Leadership Team are a team of eight students who represent the student body.Elections for these prestigious roles are held in the Spring Term and all members of Year 12 are invited to stand for election. The Student Leadership Team become the “Student Face of the School”, representing the school at many formal functions, and organising numerous charity and school events.
Students are encouraged to engage in opportunities outside of the classroom to develop their cultural capital. This will help to give them the edge when making an application. These include:
- Ted Talks
- Speakers’ for Schools talks
- Webinars
- Regular reading of news article
Register to Vote
Registering to vote will let you have your say in local elections, general elections and referendums. Please see the presentation produced by the Year 12 Politics class that gives guidance on how to register to vote.
Our Enrichment activities offer our students an opportunity to follow their interests and try new activities. Activities such as debating, volunteering or team sports provide real-life situations where students can learn to develop relevant skills such as teamwork, responsibility and perseverance with the help of teachers.
Some of the activities that have been offered in the past include:
Latin |
Duke Of Edinburgh Award |
Photography |
Adverts |
Spanish-English Telecollaboration |
Express Yourself |
Football |
African Drumming |
Set Design |
Sewing |
Sign Language |
Irish Dancing |
Cosmology & Astrophysics |
Big Questions club |
Korean Language and culture |
Power Hooping |
Volleyball |
Cross Stitch |
Research shows that reading regularly can promote good wellbeing, expand horizons and enable you to cope better with difficult situations. Reading stimulates your brain, allowing you to think in new ways. Being actively engaged in what you are reading allows you to ask questions, view different perspectives, identify patterns and make connections. Reading also helps to promote good wellbeing. Reading for only six minutes is enough to slow your heart rate, ease tension in your muscles and lower stress hormones.
Suggested Reading List
The first part of this process is undertaken when you choose your A-Level and/or BTEC/CTEC options. We always interview applicants so that the student’s aspirations can be matched to the subjects that they choose to study in Sixth Form.
Oxbridge, Medics and Veterinary
Students wishing to attend Oxbridge or study medicine have the opportunity to join a working group led by Mrs Abrey and Mr Ironmonger. The aim of these sessions is to prepare students for the application process, as achieving a place at these universities is a more complicated and competitive endeavour.The school has strong links with Oxbridge and Medicine graduates who help to support our students through this process.Mrs Abrey and Mr Ironmonger meet with the group regularly to give support with personal statements, selecting appropriate work for application, interview preparation, independent learning and critical thinking, entrance exams and making informed choices.
The Russell Group Universities
It has been an “open secret” that many universities prefer certain subjects. The Russell Group Universities (containing Universities that are well regarded for their research) have published “Informed Choices” which suggests subject combinations for most degrees. Any student who expects to be getting As and Bs at A-Level would be well advised to take the information presented in this report into account when choosing their subjects.
russell group informed choices
During Year 12, students should be starting to narrow down choices for study after Sixth Form. They must take into account predicted grades and current performance in modules or coursework. (When applying for University either the AS grades achieved or the teachers professional predictions will be likely to form the basis of predicted grades, and that Universities will compare the AS grades with the predicted A2 grades in considering whether to make an offer.) Usually, a student is able to apply for 5 different degree courses, and this is done directly through
The school will give the students a “buzzword” so that their application is connected with The Saint John Henry Newman Catholic School.
Normal Procedure:
- Subject Teachers write a reference for each student; these are collated for the Form Tutors. Also included are current results (eg AS grade or BTEC level) plus a predicted grade.
- Students log in to UCAS and enter basic details (eg, name, address, ...). Start to plan your personal statement.
Summer Holidays
Research Universities offering the degree that you are interested in.
Final decision on which AS subjects to take to A2. Students should have selected their degree course and have narrowed down the Universities to whom they intend to apply.
Once the student has chosen which courses and Universities to apply to, there are some specific deadlines (please note that it is in your interest to apply early, as some courses begin short-listing as soon as they receive applications, and may have to stop short-listing before the official closing date as they have already met their quota of offers that they are allowed to make):
Please be aware that applications to UK Conservatoires may follow a different application procedure. Further specific guidance is available from the Music Department
Mid- September
Students submitting applications for Oxbridge, Dentistry, Medicine and Veterinary Science.
This allows one month for your Tutor to write your reference and for your form to be proof-read by the Sixth Form Team.
Mid- November
All other applications submitted.
This allows 1 month for Tutors to get all references written and for all applications to be proof-read by the Sixth Form Team. Not meeting this deadline means that your application might be sent off with errors in it.
Note that Art degrees sometimes follow a different application procedure. Further specific guidance is available from the Art Department.
Medical School Interview Questions & Answers medical school interview questions
An apprenticeship is a job that provides training and will allow you to gain nationally recognised qualifications whilst earning a wage.
There are a huge variety of apprenticeships available by leading businesses, including Lloyds Banking Group, Rolls Royce, IBM, EY, BBC, Unilever, GSK, PricewaterhouseCoopers, MBDA and Airbus.
Government funding is available to cover the cost of most apprenticeships, which means your son/daughter will not have to pay for any of their training – they will be debt free!
Students are informed that they can apply for an apprenticeship alongside an application to a University degree.
There are three levels of apprenticeships available:
Intermediate Apprenticeship
(Level 2; equivalent to five good GCSE passes): provides skills and qualifications for a chosen career and allow entry to an Advanced Apprenticeship. -
Advanced Apprenticeship
(Level 3; equivalent to two A-level passes): to start this programme five GCSEs (grade A*-C) are needed or have completed an Intermediate Apprenticeship. This will allow entry to a Higher Apprenticeship or degree level qualification. -
Higher Apprenticeship and Degree level Apprenticeships
(Level 4/5/6; equivalent to a Foundation Degree and Degree level):
Year 12’s are given an introduction talk on apprenticeships and higher degree level apprenticeships. Throughout the year they have talks from external speakers and alumni students. There is a PSCHE session where students are given the opportunity find out how to apply for an apprenticeship. Students are invited to an apprenticeship show and gain information at the higher educational convention. In June parents are invited to an apprenticeship information evening.
Year 13’s are supported through the application and interview process.
Useful websites:
If you would like to speak to a member of staff.
Please contact Miss Moles at molesj@jhn.herts.sch.uk
All Sixth Form students are invited to apply for the Extended Project Qualification to help increase their chances of getting into the best universities.The EPQ allows each student to embark on a largely self-directed and self-motivated project.Students must choose a topic, plan, research and develop their idea and decide on the finished product. We are always incredibly impressed, each year, by the high standard of the projects produced.
Careers, Advice, Information and Guidance
At The Saint John Henry Newman Catholic School students will receive high quality impartial careers guidance that prepares them for their chosen next steps and enables them to make well informed decisions about their future plans.
Our Goals: Our Careers work reflects the Gatsby Benchmarks developing core employability skills through subject teaching experiences with employers and individual guidance sessions. We work with a range of partners including the Careers and Enterprise Company, Adecco, Airbus, MBDA, GSK, Anglian Water, Willmott Dixon, Herts Police and JHN Alumni. We belong to Hertfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership Careers Hub and share ideas with partner schools and businesses within the county.
Year 12 students will be able to attend our careers day. This day will include opportunities of one to one talks with employers, interview skills and CV writing workshops, talks from Alumni. The day will also include guidance and information on different pathways.
Apprenticeship and Higher Education Expo Trip – This trip is organised by the school for all Year 12’s. The event includes over 100 stalls for universities and apprenticeships. It is a fantastic day to explore different courses and opportunities.
Work experience is encouraged for all students. The school’s career adviser T. Brown sends out regular information on upcoming work experience opportunities.
Employability Skills Programme
We have identified 8 key employability skills that students will strengthen over this strand.
Students will also have sessions focused on CV and Cover Letter writing, Job Interviews, Work
Experience, Apprenticeships and The Wider World of Work. Below are the 8 employability skills we will focus on each week.
1. Communication
2. Confidence
3. Problem Solving
4. Initiative
5. Organization
6. Financial Capability
7. Resilience
8. Team Work