
Parents' Consultation Evenings

Girls sitting under tree web 0S2A1624

Details of our Parent Consultation Evenings can be found below.  Please remember that appointment times are limited to 5 minutes. Should you require a longer appointment, please arrange this at a different time.

We use the online platform Arbor for booking appointments.  Once logged into the Arbor Parent Portal or App, there will be a notification that an evening including your child is active.  This notification will inform you what date and time appointments are available to book. Once in the booking window, please click to access the booking page and select a time suitable to you. 

Parents' Evening's 2023/2024

Year 7 (Form Tutors Only)

Thursday 5th October

Year 12 (Form Tutors Only)

Thursday 5th October

Year 11

Thursday 12th October

Year 13

Thursday 30th November

Year 10

Thursday 18th January

Year 12

Thursday 1st February

Year 8 (J Side)

Thursday 18th April

Year 8 (N Side)

Thursday 25th April

Year 9

Thursday 29th February

Year 7 (N side)

Thursday 9th May

Year 7 (J side)

Thursday 16th May