
Student Attendance

Boys outsdie Y7EB5514

We work very hard to ensure that our partnership with parents supports the pupils and students of our community.  If you are aware of any factor that will cause your child to be late or absent from school, even for just part of a day, please inform our Attendance Officer, Mrs Mees. 

Telephone: 01438 314 643 and then press 1 for absences.


Any questions or concerns then please feel free to contact the ICT Support team via our email address, or the ICT Office Helpdesk Phoneline.

If your son/daughter is going to be absent due to illness please telephone the school absence line on each day of absence.  On their return to school, students should bring a letter confirming their reason for absence.

Late Arrivals/Early Departures

If a student arrives late to school, he or she must sign in at Student Services before going to lessons.

Any student leaving before the end of the school day for any reason must sign out at Student Services before they leave.  Students may only leave early if we have previously been advised by a parent by email/telephone/letter on the contact details above explaining the reason.

Medical/Dental Appointments

We would also appreciate it if you would telephone the absence number if you son or daughter is going to be late due to a medical / dental appointment or if they need to leave early for an appointment. Students are required to sign in at Student Services on their return to school.

Late Books are kept at Student Services.

Attendance Text Messages

If your son or daughter is not present at morning registration and we are not aware of a known reason for absence, we will contact you via text message.  Should you receive a message from us, please contact the school at your earliest convenience.

Leave of absence requests during term time

Headteachers no longer have the discretion to allow time for a family holiday or to agree to extended leave for parents/carers to visit their country of origin during term time, unless there are exceptional circumstances.  Taking children out of school during term time means that they would be losing valuable school time at the expense of their education.  If your child is absent from school because of a holiday which has not been agreed, then this will be classified as an unauthorised absence and you may be fined by the local authority or have legal action taken against you.  If you feel that the circumstances for an absence is exceptional, then an application must be made to the school, prior to any arrangements being made.  The school will then decide whether or not the absence can be authorised.

To request such an absence, please contact the Headteacher in writing. 

Contact between you and your child

If you need to contact your child urgently during the day please telephone reception and the School will help.

If your child needs to contact you urgently they will be able to use the telephone in the School Office.

Students may not use their mobile phones at all during the school day.