
Homework & Revision

Boy smiling Y7EB5413

Study guide for parents and students

Details of the homework set by your subject teachers can be found by using the Quick Link Show My Homework tab at the top of the page.  You can login to see the tasks set, or use the search and filter buttons to find work set by your subject teachers. Parents can also log in to support home learning.  

If you have forgotten your login details or need any help with the system, please email

Homework Timetables

Year 7BD

Year 7JBA








Year 8 HomeworK Timetable

Year 9 Homework Timetable

Year 10 Homework Timetable

Year 11 Homework Timetable


Please see below for understanding HEROs
The exam timetables for public exams is found under the Exams section of the website.
Extra resources for individual subjects can be found in the curriculum section of the website. 

Time for home learning

The quality of the home based learning tasks is more important than the length of time that they might take.

The following times reflect broadly how many hours students in Key Stages 3, 4 and 5 should be spending on home based learning.

 Year 7: 45 to 60 minutes per day

 Year 8: 60 to 90 minutes per day

 Year 9: 1 to 2 hours per day

Year 10: 1.5 to 2.5 hours per day

Year 11: 1.5 to 2.5 hours per day

Year 12: 16 hours per week

Year 13: 20 hours per week

Expectations of home learning

We expect students to:

  • write down their home learning assignment in their planners, noting the date it is due.
  • check details on SMHW
  • set aside enough time to complete their home learning to the best of their ability, preferably as soon after it is set as possible.
  • complete their home learning in an appropriate environment for study, away from distractions.
  • hand in their home learning in class on the day it is due, or to the teacher as soon after as possible if they are absent on the day.

We expect teaching staff to:

  • set home learning frequently and regularly, mark it promptly with comments and targets that will help pupils and students progress if acted upon.
  • write the home learning task on the whiteboard and provide students with enough time to write it in their planners.Teachers should also log the task on SMHW
  • set meaningful home learning activities that will help students build connections between what they have learned in individual lessons.
  • set activities that are differentiated, inclusive, appropriate, challenging, and which vary in type and style.
  • Sanction pupils who fail to complete home based learning adequately or who fail to hand it in on time (H1) Failure to complete homework will normally result in an after-school detention (H2)

We expect tutors to:

  • check that pupils have a planner (or temporary replacement if it is lost) every morning.
  • check home learning diaries every week and ensure students are recording their work. 

We expect parents to:

  • check planners every week and assist their child with planning and organising their home based learning.
  • check and support home learning through monitoring tasks on SMHW
  • provide their child with a suitable learning environment in which to complete their home based learning, without distractions.
  • look at their child‘s exercise books and support their child‘s learning by helping them to act on the comments and targets provided by staff.