
Studying with us and Admissions

Sixth form Y7EB5232

We offer students joining our Sixth Form an educational experience which  is second to none: in addition to our proven track record of academic success, we offer outstanding pastoral support and a vast array of extracurricular opportunities for our students.  Our curriculum is flexible and broad, offering in excess of 30 A Level and BTEC choices;  we offer high-quality teaching by experienced teachers who will expect students to take a great deal of responsibility for their own learning. In return, we ask that students display a high level of commitment to their studies and make an active contribution to the school community.

We pride ourselves on the quality of support we offer when preparing students for the next stage of their lives.  The support and guidance offered to students through the UCAS process means that students have a high level of success in securing a place at their chosen university:  typically, 90% of students meet the conditions for entry to their first choice university.  We offer further, tailored support for students applying for courses at competitive universities enabling students to be successful in obtaining places at Oxford, Cambridge, Imperial College, the LSE and other leading universities.  We also offer guidance to students seeking employment or apprenticeships, helping them to prepare CVs and offering practical advice and support on applying for jobs and the interview process.

Fundamental to the success of the Sixth Form is the fact that students study courses they both enjoy and are successful in.  We work hard with all of our students to match their interests, qualifications and career aspirations with appropriate A Level and/or BTEC/CTEC courses that will help them to progress towards their next step, whether that is university, an apprenticeship or employment.

Prospective students are invited to attend our Sixth Form Open Evening which is held in October each year.  Subsequently, there are opportunities to visit the school to meet current students and staff.  Alternatively, please contact us to arrange an initial meeting.

Once students have applied to join the Sixth Form, the applications are assessed on an individual basis and applicants meeting our entry criteria are offered a place during the Easter term.  For details of our Sixth Form Admissions Policy and for Application Forms, please see the Sixth Form Area in the Admission section of our website.

Entry Requirements

 For specific subject specific entry requirements please see below 

Sixth Form Course Information 2023-2024

The A Level Route

In order to enrol on the A level route, we require you to get a best 8 APS of 5.5+, including grade 5 in GCSE English & Maths. If you have studied a subject at GCSE and wish to study it at A Level, a minimum of a grade 5 pass is required.

The Vocational Route

In order to study BTEC/CTEC courses, a best 8 APS of 4+, including grade 4 in GCSE English & Maths. You must also meet any specific entry requirements for individual courses.

PSHCE incorporating RSHE

To embrace the challenges of creating a happy and successful adult life, students need the knowledge that will enable them to make informed decisions about their wellbeing, health and relationships and so to build their self-efficacy. All Sixth Formers follow a comprehensive PSCHE programme throughout their time in the Sixth Form which covers a wide range of issues to do with health, personal well-being, economic awareness, road safety and spirituality.The PSCHE Programme also links in with the preparation for careers and Higher Education.


Part of what makes the Sixth Form distinctive is our commitment to the spiritual, moral, cultural and social development of you as students.An important aspect of this is the continuation of the Religious Studies programme into Years 12 and 13.

As a compulsory element of your studies, the course creates opportunities for students to explore, question, evaluate and reflect on their own beliefs alongside the beliefs of others; growing in understanding of Catholic faith and practice.Topics of study are reviewed annually and student feedback is welcomed to create a balanced and relevant programme of study for young people living out their faith in the modern world.Such topics include beliefs about life after death, the role of religion in relationships and the value of marriage in modern society alongside a variety of other philosophical and ethical issues.Although the topics of study are firmly rooted in Catholic Church teaching, the programme embraces and welcomes input from all faith backgrounds, or none at all, which we hope will appeal to all students.