
Our Catholic Life


O Lord and Saviour, in your arms I am safe.
Keep me and I have nothing to fear.
I know nothing about the future, but I rely upon you.
I leave it all to you, because you know and I do not.
Help me to know you,
to believe in you,
to love you,
to serve you,
to always aim at bringing you glory,
to live to you and for you,
and to set a good example to all around me.


Source: John Henry Newman, 1801-1890 (Adapted)

The Catholic life of our school community continues to be at the core of everything that we do and to be the reason why our school exists. Our pupils shine in every aspect of their lives; they are spiritual, powerful, creative and individual, each one of them inspired by God and talented beyond our comprehension and their own expectations. This is their time to discover who they are and what they could become, and our belief is that they could become anything that they wish to be - the page is blank. That is not to say that we have unrealistic expectations or aspirations for them, but it is to say that we believe that God’s plans for them far exceed anything that they can imagine for themselves at this young age.

We believe that each child has his or her unique set of talents – these talents have been entrusted to him or her to be nurtured, developed and multiplied – not to be buried and forgotten. Each child must be given the time and support to become the person that God intended him or her to be. We believe in the need for developing self-respect – valuing our own identity and uniqueness and taking pride in ourselves and our achievements – learning to love ourselves as the person God created us to be.

A great challenge to which we aspire every day...