
Ethos and Standards

Classroom Y7EB5237

Our Sixth Form takes great pride in all that we do, whether through academic study or extra curricular work. We have high standards and expectations of everyone in order to benefit our whole community.  However, life in the Sixth Form is not just about examination courses.  Your time as senior students will form the back drop to choices that you will make about the world of work or University education.  You will be given the opportunity to develop a wide range of other skills (leadership, sporting, organisational, presentation, mentoring students) as part of the commitment of the Sixth Form to the wider school community.  Key to your success will be your commitment to using your time effectively.  By working closely with all our staff and community, you will acquire self discipline and responsibility, and we take pride in your achievements, supporting and sharing your aspirations for the future.


Full attendance is a pre-requisite for success on all A Level and BTEC courses.  Students are expected to register twice daily with their Tutor, with morning registration at 8.30am and remain at school until the end of the day at 3:10 pm (2.30pm on a Friday). Students may leave the school site at lunchtime (1.05 pm -1.35 pm). Students are expected to ring or email the Sixth Form Attendance officer before 9.30 am on the first day of absence and every day thereafter, to explain the reason for their absence.  For known absences students are asked to complete a prior absence form. 

There is a strong correlation between attendance and attainment; we expect all students to have an attendance above 95%.

Private Study

Private study takes place in non-timetabled lessons, and students are not allowed to leave the school site. Computers are available in the Study Centre and there are a number of other rooms which can be used for silent study. Wireless internet access is available for Sixth Form use. Students are expected to use their time effectively, continuing work started and set in classes, and to pursue the wider background reading essential for the successful completion of all courses.  Being able to learn independently is key to achieving at the highest level.  

Dress Code

HBHG team 24

A dress code is necessary in the Sixth Form for several reasons. A smart, professional appearance encourages an appropriate attitude to the day’s work. It conveys an appropriately mature and purposeful image to all staff and visitors. It sets high standards for pupils lower down the School to aspire to and it is excellent preparation for the world of professional work after the Sixth Form. Students are responsible for following the standards of dress and appearance laid down in this code. The Director and Deputy Director of Sixth Form, Form Tutors and all Staff will be responsible for ensuring the Dress Code is adhered to by all members of the Sixth Form.

Only the following is considered acceptable:

Female students
  • Suit – i.e. jacket with complementary knee-length tailored skirt, (stretchy skirts are not permitted), dress or full length trousers. “Skinny” black jeans or leggings are not permitted.
  • Shirt or smart top without logos.
  • No excessively short skirts, no shorts or leggings.
  • Smart shoes (not trainers or other thick-soled casual shoes).  No excessively high heels. No knee high boots.
  • Vest tops and tops that reveal midriffs are not suitable.
Male students
  • Suit – i.e. navy, grey or black tailored jacket and matching trousers.
  • Shirt with tie. Top button done up.
  • Smart shoes (not trainers or other casual shoes).
  • No shorts.
  • One, small nose stud is allowed. No other facial piercings are permitted.

This dress code sets very clear parameters for the Sixth Form. However, experience shows that, within these, there is a great deal of room for individual expression and I look forward to working with a Sixth Form filled with smart, stylish students. Students not adhering to the dress code will be sent home and expected to return to School the same day properly attired. Missing lessons would be deeply regrettable but it is vital that standards are maintained for the sake of the School as a whole.