

Boys Y7EB5248

The following ‘Whole School Curriculum Statement’ is the result of development work done by all stakeholders in the school: governors, teachers, pupils, parents and the leadership team.

(For the vision statements of specific departments and for their specific curriculum plans please click here.)

Whole School Curriculum Vision 

The Saint John Henry Newman Catholic School is a loving school at the heart of the Catholic community where all commit to and enjoy supporting each other in the successful pursuit of excellence.  We work to develop the discernment, integrity, knowledge and self-efficacy necessary to realise our God-given mission and potential, and so live life to the full.

As a school we aim, through the guidance of our faith, to:

  • show love; seek truth; express ourselves positively;
  • develop a curriculum which enables each student to attain the powerful knowledge, advanced skills and constructive dispositions required to engage with the challenges of the world confidently and creatively; 
  • share our own passion for learning, for subjects and life;
  • celebrate success: learn from failure;
  • provide our school community with a secure, inspiring and stimulating environment in which they will enjoy being challenged to think and engage reflectively in their own learning;
  • enable all students to progress towards becoming the person God intended them to be through: enjoying memorable, character-enhancing experiences; opportunities for leadership and meaningful self-direction; and the chance to make a difference to the world around them;
  • foster conducive relationships between staff and students, and with families and the community so that all students can fulfil their potential.

In order to achieve this, we will inspire our students to be Catholic, confident, cultured young adults who:

  • are motivated by truth and have an increasingly sophisticated understanding of the different ways this can be revealed spiritually, academically and personally;
  • are loving, caring and principled individuals who have the knowledge, skills and dispositions that can be used for the benefit of all;
  • are willing to take risks, keen to learn from their mistakes and confident in their abilities to effect change;
  • love learning and appreciate the benefits of being challenged to be able to access the highest order of understanding possible.  These include:

the increased influence on and control of their own lives;

the increased ability to influence the world around them, challenging injustice and standing up for what is right in their stewardship of the Earth;

the increased ability to wrestle with complex issues;

and the increased ability to take pleasure from the finest experiences the world has to offer.

  • have the command of languages, understanding of behaviours and interpersonal skills required to be responsive and so access the richest of understanding and experiences;
  • understand and welcome the fact that learning is hard work, and see learning about the skills and dispositions required to address this as a vital part of their education.
  • have a clear and aspirational sense of the possible career paths ahead of them, and an understanding of how the knowledge, understanding and skills learned in school link to their potential futures.

Our lessons will be characterised by teachers and support staff who:

  • clearly have high expectations for all, based on a well-informed balance of challenge and support;
  • work hard to create high quality relationships, based on good humour and the manifest interest in each pupil or student;
  • create a welcoming, purposeful and stimulating atmosphere where love of subject is communicated, and inspirational ideas and examples are employed;
  • lead carefully sequenced and adapted work, informed by timely assessment and feedback, which effectively adds to pupils’ knowledge and understanding;
  • enable students to increasingly being able to lead their own learning through:

utilising a deliberate and planned focus on how learning works;

maintaining an approach to oracy where everyone’s voice is heard via the skilled use of questioning, discussion and collaboration;

facilitating the creative formulation of students’ own questions, the development of their own solutions, and critiquing of their own performance;  developing a skilled control of subject specific literacy and numeracy;

  • show an awareness of the significance of gospel values in the presentation of content and in the interactions with the pupils.

The lessons will be characterised by students who:

  • have high expectations and aspirations for themselves, arriving at lessons promptly and ready to learn.
  • look to form positive and respectful relationships with all their teachers, support staff and classmates.
  • fully engage in the learning process in class, in home learning and beyond, demonstrating a creative, resourceful and resilient mindset.
  • ask questions, seek clarification, share their views and respond to feedback effectively.
  • have a thirst for knowledge and an enthusiasm to understand how it can be applied in the real world.

Key Stage 3 - Year 7, 8 & 9

On entering the school, pupils are placed in mixed ability tutor groups which will form the basis of much of the teaching that takes place in Year 7, 8 and 9.

The subjects taught at Key Stage 3 are: English, Mathematics, Modern Languages (French or Spanish), Science, Art, Drama, Geography, History, ICT, Music, PE, Religious Education, Design Technology, Food and Nutrition, and PHSCE.

Where subjects are taught in sets, the group are kept under review by the Subject Leader, and students may be moved periodically to ensure they are in a group which matches their ability and stretches them sufficiently.

We regularly assess students’ progress through classwork, formal assessment activities and tests. Details of assessment at Key Stage 3 can be found here

Key Stage 4 - Year 10 & 11 (GCSEs)

At The Saint John Henry Newman Catholic School, we offer a broad curriculum at Key Stage 4, with a wide range of academic, creative and vocational courses. A large part of the curriculum is compulsory for all students but there is also an element of choice which means that students can shape their own learning programme in Key Stage 4 according to their interests and future education and career aspirations.

In addition to a compulsory core of English, Mathematics, Religious Education, Science and Games, there are option blocks from which students can choose subjects which match their interests and ability.

Students are currently able to select from the following options; Art Design and Craft, Art Graphics Communication, Art Photography, Business Studies, Catering & Hospitality, Child Development, Computer Science, Dance, Drama, Design Technology, Geography, History, Modern Foreign Languages: French and Spanish, Music, PE, Sports Science and Statistics.

The content of the curriculum is subject to regular review and may be changed at the direction of the Governing Body.

Key Stage 5 - Year 12 & 13 (A Levels, BTEC/CTEC)

For details of the curriculum and choice of BTECs, AS and A Level Subjects at Key Stage 5, please visit the Sixth Form section here.